What is Voltage Optimsation?

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[box_header title=”WHAT IS VOLTAGE OPTIMISATION?” type=”h3″ bottom_border=”1″]

ECO-MAX Voltage optimisation is an electrical energy saving technique that is installed in series with the electricity supply to match supply voltage specific to the site’s equipment.

Voltage optimisation reduces the voltage of the electricity supplied to equipment, ensuring the excess voltages from the national grid supply isn’t used at the site. By simply rejecting and returning the surplus to grid, site consumption is minimised while remaining within the operating conditions specified by the equipment manufacturer.


Domestic units are fitted in a morning and begin to make savings straight away; commercial units are generally fitted in a day and bespoke, large scale industrial systems can take a little longer, but deliver enormous savings. eco-max-emh63-installation-amendment-3-unit-web

Your Eco-Max home Voltage Optimiser is installed in series with the electricity supply. Typically this is under your stairs or wherever you mains electricity supply enters you home.

The Eco-max Commercial is designed for business premises and so will be installed wherever the mains supply enters you business property.

eco-max-commercial-installation-with-isolator-webLarge, bespoke Voltage Optimisation systems will take up a self-contained area of approximately one metre in a convenient position close to your electricity supply.

We offer three main types of Voltage Optimiser, as well as a range of additional modules for a more comprehensive energy saving solution.

Eco-Max Home – Single phase for domestic and small commercial use

Eco-Max Commercial – 3 phase, up to 1200 Amps

100 % Guaranteed Savings - Optimized Energy
Eco-Max Power – up to 4350 Amps bespoke for large industrial size installations

For a full complete list of all the energy saving products available from GWE please visit our products page.

[box_header title=”HOW SUCCESSFUL IS VOLTAGE OPTIMISATION?” type=”h3″ bottom_border=”1″]

Our guarantee offers the ultimate reassurance that you will make the savings we predict. If you don’t – then we make up the shortfall. In truth our customers always have achieved what we predict and most have realised larger benefits.

We have published a series of Case studies to illustrate the success some of our customers have achieved.


A four bed roomed home, installed an Eco-Max Home and achieved a Return on Investment of 27% – far better than any bank!


A retailer is saving £3,353 per year across five shops – having a positive impact on their bottom line.


One hotel will payback the cost of their Eco-Max Commercial in just 25 months – the savings will continue for 20+ years.


A large retailer is saving 1,823 tonnes of Co2 emissions each year thanks to installing Eco-Max – helping protect the environment for future generations.

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